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Welcome to Studio ASC — a place to explore the many faces of justice, compassion, activism and love in the world today. A monthly podcast from All Saints Church in Pasadena that looks within and without the church to understand the ways in which faith and perseverance can heal the world. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, there is something here for you. Join us!

Feb 14, 2019

An Episcopal Church probably isn’t the first place you’d associate with a good jazz concert. Christina Honchell and Dr. Josslyn Luckett break down why you should and why jazz is a conduit to spiritual liberation and cross-cultural connections.

Here are some links to further exploration on the topic of Sacred Jazz...

Dec 17, 2018

This episode of StudioASC is one we hope will be part of an ongoing series exploring the Bible through a variety of progressive perspectives.

ASC staffer Jeremy Langill and Biblical scholar Dr. Brian Robinson unpack the term “biblical Christianity.” And Susan Russell offers The Clear Truth of Scripture … an essay...

Nov 30, 2018

Episode 6 of our Studio ASC Podcast

  • This week our Studio ASC podcast features an interview by rector Mike Kinman with author, activist and Grammy winning artist Tena Clark on her compelling memoir “Southern Discomfort” – the story of growing up gay in Mississippi.

Nov 14, 2018

Episode 5 of our Studio ASC Podcast

  • Transgender awareness is the focus of this segment of Studio ASC. One of the commitments we make as Episcopalians is to “respect the dignity of every human being.” One of the ways we live out that commitment is by respecting the right of every human being – no matter where they...

Oct 30, 2018

Episode 4 of our Studio ASC Podcast

  • Gun Violence is the focus for this segment of Studio ASC.
    Juliana Serrano interviews student filmmaker Grey Ingrassia about “Crowd in the Crosshairs” – his documentary film inspired by his participation in the #MarchForOurLives Movement.
  • Susan Russell reflects on why...