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Welcome to Studio ASC — a place to explore the many faces of justice, compassion, activism and love in the world today. A monthly podcast from All Saints Church in Pasadena that looks within and without the church to understand the ways in which faith and perseverance can heal the world. Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, there is something here for you. Join us!

Feb 14, 2019

An Episcopal Church probably isn’t the first place you’d associate with a good jazz concert. Christina Honchell and Dr. Josslyn Luckett break down why you should and why jazz is a conduit to spiritual liberation and cross-cultural connections.

Here are some links to further exploration on the topic of Sacred Jazz...

Jan 25, 2019

While the debate continues over differing positions on a "border wall" or "border security," we bring you a "Snapshot from the Border." In today’s episode we’ll hear from Susan Russell, and the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) on the Border Crisis. And we’ll focus our "snapshot" by way of a conversation...